In our offer you will find postcards in three thematic categories:
POLISH UNIFORM 1797-1815 (part 1 and 2)
Our postcard series titled: The Polish Uniform 1797-1815 is for all collectors and Napoleonic era enthusiasts, as well as those who appreciate military artwork. Illustrations of cavalry and infantry soldiers were taken from our albums. The whole set contains 180 colour postcards (format 5,8 x 4,1 in,14,8 x 10,4 cm), divided into 20 series of 9 postcards, each in a separate case. All the postcards and series are numbered, and each case offers a description of the pictures in Polish and English. The front of the postcard presents a colour plate painted by Ryszard Morawski. The reverse side is designed so the cards can be used as postcards as well as a collector’s item. Each picture is captioned in four languages: Polish, French, English and German.
This series of 9 full-colour postcards (format 14.8 x 10.4 cm) presents Napoleon Bonaparte and the Marshals of the Empire: Jean Baptiste Bessières, Louis Nicolas Davout, Jean Lannes, Joachim Murat, Michel Ney, Joseph Antoni Poniatowski, Louis Gabriel Suchet and General de division Antoine Charles Louis Lasalle. All of whom distinguished themselves by valour in battle. Four died on the battlefield: Bessières, Lannes, Lasalle and Poniatowski. Prince Joseph Poniatowski, Commander-in-Chief of the army of Duchy of Warsaw was the only foreigner among the 26 Marshals of the Empire. The front of the postcards presents a colour plate painted by Ryszard Morawski. The reverse side is designed so the cards can be used as postcards, as well as a collector’s item. Each picture is captioned in four languages: Polish, French, English and German.
This publication commemorates the 250th birthday anniversary of Prince Joseph Poniatowski and the 200th anniversary of his death.
A series of 12 large full-colour postcards (8,3 x 5,8 in, 21 x 14,8 cm), painted by Ryszard Morawski, presents the Prince in uniforms worn between 1807 and 1813 (9 postcards), as well as memorabilia of the Supreme Commander that has been preserved in Polish Museums until the present day (3 postcards). Each postcard is captioned on the reverse side in four languages: Polish, French, English and German. The cards can be used as postcards, as well as a collector’s item. Included with the set is a 16-page pamphlet which contains Jan Ciałowicz's articles on Joseph Poniatowski and a short bio of the Prince translated into French, English and German. The cover of the case shows Prince Józef Poniatowski as General of Division, in Polish parade dress used between 1809 and 1813.


